Sunday, November 20, 2005

Baby Shower, Take two!

* Cake or animation of Jonah in approximately 6 months...

* The set-up...

* Decoroations from the shower...Quack!

* The gifts...

* Christine and the guests play 'The Price is Right'

* Carol administers the 'Memory Game'..Vanna, watch out!

* La la la Leah! Leah picks a raffle winner...

* The guests...No, the white shirts were not arranged!

* Da wagon...Jonah can't drive '55'!

Week # 28 moving closer and closer. Sunday November 13th is our Baby Shower on Christine's Dad (Mike) side, we trying to accommodate all the friends and family on both sides. Carol (Christine's Step-Mother) has been working meticulously trying to get off the invitations, arrange the games and put together prizes/props for the games...she has done more than we expected, it is truly appreciated!

The shower is held at Jason and Marisa's (Christine's Step-Brother and Wife) house where Carol has turned the normal decor into a deluge of baby-shower motif! Rubber duckies, candy, cake, name it! We walked in when the food was being prepared; enchiladas, rice, beans...Yum! Thanks again to Jason and Marisa for the use of their home!

The first order of business was the 'Price is Right' game where different items were matched up against random prices...not as easy as it looks (I was an onlooker). Between the games Leah (Jason and Marisa's Daughter) selected raffle numbers for prize giveaways; candles, books, etc. Game # 2 was the 'Memory' game where you match up the 2 pictures on the board. Once a match took place, like 'Breastfeeding' the person would win a prize; in this case Milky-Way! Some other standouts would include 'Circumcision' would win you Nips and 'Dirty Diapers' would be Boston Baked Beans. More Raffle...and on to the gifts!

Jonah received many, many, many really nice gifts! Some standouts include the Stroller set which included the car seat and base, a table and chair set in the same color motif as the room, gift cards, many clothes, Jonah's first baby-bible, personal care products and much more. Jonah is lucky to have so much love and he is yet to be born...we can only imagine the depth of love he will receive once he is actually here.


Over-all it was a fun, tiring and special day all rolled into one tight package. Carol made the day special for us and baby-Jonah, we thank you!

Some updates:
* Christine is getting her "Pregnant Walk" is quite cute!
* We have completed our Lamaze, Breastfeeding, Baby-care-basics and Post-partum classes. Our last class is in two weeks; Baby-saver.
* We will be purchasing the crib, bedding and some smaller items soon.
* We have yet to select a pediatrician...ut-oh!
* Jonah is kicking and rolling and kicking! Football, anyone?
* We will be sending out information on the Hospital, Doctor, Directions, etc. in January. For anyone who does not know we are giving birth in a new hospital with state of the art equipment and philosophy!
* As always, if we have missed anyone please let us know so we can add them.


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