Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Registry and Baby Shower(s)...

Yesterday was a busy day, we met Sean's Mom (Mary Jo) and Brother (Brandon) to complete the baby's registry. Brandon once worked at Baby Depot and was the perfect person to guide us through this overwhelming process (so many items, where to start?). It took about 3 hours and we believe we selected needed items with a few fun items.

For anyone who is interested, we are registered at Baby Depot under registery ID # 7164266 or last name Bangert.

Baby Shower(s):
We have dates and places to share...

Saturday, October 22nd we will have a dual baby shower at Uncle Gary's House (he was nice enough to say yes) for Christine's Mom and Sean's Mom's side of the family. It will be outdoor (knock on wood it does not rain) and should be very nice.

Saturday, November 12th we will have a baby shower at Mike and Carol's house (they were nice enough to say yes) for Christine's Dad'd side of the family. It will be indoor/outdoor and should be very nice also.

By the way, we have planned these baby showers to not impact the holiday Season and to allow Christine a restful period in January before the baby is delivered in early February.

In the meantime, if anyone has questions, suggestions, etc please contact us right away...time's a tickin'!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Week # 16 through Week # 18: We finally Learn the Sex!

Yes, we will be sharing the sex of the baby...but, you have to read this first...

What an eventful 3 weeks it's been for Christine and myself (and the baby) has been filled with great excitements, new feelings, hightened stresses and marvels at this growing child!

Week # 16, Christine could feel the baby begin to move...I have yet to feel it kick, nudge or stretch (all in due time, I know). She describes it like the books, Doctor and other parents describe it as being like butterflies or bubbles in her belly; lately it has been stronger and with real movement.

Christine has been really good about the morning sickeness, and struggles with the fatigue (she and the baby likes their sleep). She has been sick once or twice and usually it is related to a smell or an image that turns her stomach (we had a funny thing happen when one of our cats got sick recently, but I will spare you the details...this happened to be one of the two times she got sick). Her appettite has been strong and only in the last week has she really began to have strong 'Cravings'; mashed potatoes, chocholate milk and apple juice.

Week # 17: We had our follow-up with the Doctor and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time...tick, tock, tick, tock...really fast! Christine nervously laughed, she was really excited.

In all this time, Christine should have gained weight but she has actually lost 4 pounds...the Doctor is pleased and has said whatever she is currently doing to continue with it.

For those co-workers, relatives and friends willing to place a bet on the sex of the baby their guesses have been all over the board...the way she's carrying it, to the strand of hair with the ring (if it's clock-wise it's this and if it's counter-clock-wise it's that). Well, we just hoped it was healthy and would be gratified with either a boy or a girl!

Week # 18: What a week...full of stress (trying to get prepared for the baby...plans, projects, and pains).

Today (Friday), we have a full day of tests so we schedule the day off. Blood work in the morning, we go to have breakfast and blood work at the lunch hour; The blood work checks for downs, spinal issues and diabeties. At 2:30 we have an ultra-sound appointment to check on the health of the baby and to finally find out the sex of the baby.

2:30 arrives, we are both nervous...we have been anxious for this moment and all of a sudden it is here. The nurse spends almost 2 hours with us showing us the legs, arms, fingers and toes (they are all accounted for), the head, it's spongy-undeveloped brain, and more! We ask what we are seeing and the nurse tells us in detail.

The nurse askes us are you sure you want to know the sex? We answer "Yes". The nurse says "Well, there is the left leg and there's the right leg..."

And with that these lyrics played in my head:

Close your eyes,

Have no fear,

The monsters gone,

He's on the run and your daddy's here,

Beautiful,Beautiful, beautiful,Beautiful Boy...

Before you go to sleep,

Say a little prayer,

Every day in every way,

It's getting better and better,

Beautiful,Beautiful, beautiful,Beautiful Boy...